George en Charlene | Wedding | Galagos Country Estate
Wow, wat ‘n wonderlike en spesiale dag! Dit was ‘n fees om George en Charlene se troue vas te vang!
George en Charlene | Wedding | Galagos Country Estate
Love is a song that never ends. Bambi (Disney)
Hier is my eerste afrikaanse blog. eeek.
George en Charlene het ‘n baie spesiale troudag gehad by Galagos Country Estate. Ek het onlangs hulle verlowingsfotos geneem en ek het sommer geweet dat dit ‘n fees gaan wees om hulle troue vas te vang, maar ek was definitief nie voorberei toe George vir Charlene sien en hy toe ‘n paar traantjies pik nie! Blykbaar huil hy nie…
Hierdie is definitef ‘n eerste vir my. Elna, Charlene se ma, het my op dieselfde tyd bespreek vir haar dogter (Charlene) EN haar seun (Rohan) se troue…en hulle trou ongeveer 5 weke uitmekaar (2Nov).
Rohan en Neruschke het dit nie beplan nie, maar hulle troue val op die Rugby Wêreldbeker finaal, waar SA teen Engeland speel! Dit is ‘n bietjie bittersoet vir my, want ek kan nie wag vir die troue nie, maar ek gaan nie kan kyk nie want ek gaan werk en fotos neem.
Galagos het die mooiste woud en as die son laat middag deur die bome skyn maak dit regtig die mooiste lig!
Ek was ook vriendelik verbaas toe ek op die dag sien ‘n vriendin Ciszeldi van Cloe en Co doen die makeup! Haar makeup is baie mooi en ek het al menigmale saam met haar gewerk!
Ek dink hierdie is genoeg woorde, kom ons laat die fotos die res van die praatwerk doen!
Verskaffers op die dag:
Grimmering: Cloe and Co | Hare: SkinPHD Zambezi | Rok: Bridal Manor | Juwele: Swarovski | Blomme en Dekor: Purple Bell | Venue en kos: Galagos Country Estate (Koordineerder: Leandre)
Koek: Baker Boys | Printwerk: The Allora Collection | DJ: Eugene (Galagos)
Hier is die fotos. Los asb ‘n boodskap aan die einde…’n klien bietjie liefde gaan nogals vêr!

(Click on the image to enlarge)
Teaser! George en Charlene | Wedding | Galagos Country Estate
Wow, wat ‘n wonderlike en spesiale dag! Dit was ‘n fees om George en Charlene se troue vas te vang!
Teaser! George en Charlene | Wedding | Galagos Country Estate
Love is a song that never ends. Bambi (Disney)
Hier is my eerste afrikaans blog. eeek.
Wow, gister was ‘n baie besonderse mooi en spesiale dag vir George en Charlene. Ek het onlangs hulle verlowingsfotos geneem en ek het sommer geweet dat dit ‘n fees gaan wees om hulle troue vas te vang, maar ek was definitief nie voorberei toe George vir Charlene sien en hy toe ‘n paar traantjies pik nie! Blykbaar huil hy nie…
Hierdie is slegs die voorsmakie, so geniet die terugblyk en hou my webblad en Facebook dop vir nog fotos in die volgende paar weke.
Los asb ‘n boodskap aan die einde…’n kline bietjie liefde gaan nogals vêr!
Verskaffers op die dag:
Grimmering: Cloe and Co | Hare: SkinPHD Zambezi | Rok: Bridal Manor | Juwele: Swarovski | Blomme en Dekor: Purple Bell | Venue en kos: Galagos Country Estate (Koordineerder: Leandre)
Koek: Baker Boys | Printwerk: The Allora Collection | DJ: Eugene (Galagos)

Ferreira and Michelle | Engagement session | Hertford Country Hotel
Wow, how beautiful! Just love Ferreira and Michelle’s engagement photos!
Ferreira & Michelle | Engagement session | Hertford Country Hotel

Elegance is the only beauty that never fades.
Audrey Hepburn
I always love coming back to Hertford Country Hotel, and I absolutely love the upgrades they did recently. The entrance has moved to Malibongwe’s side where the Spar is. Just love the beautiful little fountain at the gate!
Ferreira & Michelle are getting married at Oakfield Farm later this year and I really can’t wait for their wedding. I mean, they are really keen for me to try new things, like for instance the haziness in some of the photos was created using Atmosphere Aerosol South Africa. I over estimated the amount of fog it creates and obviously it doesn’t create fog like a smoke grenade where you are outside, BUT we really had a laugh! Ferrreira was holding the can and sprayed the fog behind them while I was taking photos. The ones on the inside of the venue I sprayed and stepped back to capture the moment. It’s fun, but I must say if you are looking for some serious fog then a smoke grenade will do the trick!
I also love my new Godox AD 200 flash, which allowed me to shoot at High-Speed Sync, ie. shutter speeds of more than 1/200s. Wow, this opens up so much new doors to creativity…LOVE IT!
In any case, I loved capturing Ferreira and Michelle’s engagement shoot and I can’t wait till the wedding! They are such a cool couple and I had loads of fun!
Beautiful make-up and hair by Chantelle Landman - Hair and Makeup.
Enjoy the photos and please leave a comment at the end!
Teaser! Ferreira & Michelle | Engagement session | Hertford Country Hotel
Wow, how beautiful! Just love Ferreira and Michelle’s engagement photos!
Teaser! Ferreira & Michelle | Engagement session | Hertford Country Hotel
Elegance is the only beauty that never fades.
Audrey Hepburn
Here’s a sneak peak from Ferreira & Michelle’s engagement shoot at the always beautiful Hertford Country Hotel.
The haziness in some of the photos was created using Atmosphere Aerosol South Africa.
Beautiful make-up and hair by Chantelle Landman - Hair and Makeup.
Enjoy the photos and please leave a comment at the end!

Jeandre & Bianca | Wedding | Avianto, Gauteng
Wow, Jeandre & Bianca's celebrated their wedding at the beautiful Avianto! What a gorgeous couple and fun wedding!
Jeandre & Bianca | Wedding | Avianto, Gauteng
“Life is like a camera. Focus on what's important. Capture the good times. And if things don't work out, just take another shot.” Ziad K. Abdelnour

Last year Jeandre and Bianca won the Oakfield Farm Expo prize and they got seriously cool deals for their wedding, and I couldn't be happier with how their wedding turned out. With competitions you run the risk of getting clients who doesn't really fit with your style and personality (yes, we need to connect otherwise you will remember in 50 years that you could have had a better relationship with your photographer...hehe).
They are such sweet souls and so much in love, and I am really privileged to photograph such a gorgeous couple inside and out! Shame, Bianca had a little scare moments before she had to walk down the aisle...her dress tore and her mom had to come to the rescue....well done saved the day and Bianca will remember this for days to come! You were there when she grew up and you were there on her wedding day to save the day!
Wow, Avianto is such an amazing wedding venue and they look after their clients so well! I also love the new LOVE sign in the reception hall...just look at the decor photos and the photos of Jeandre and Bianca standing in front of the gorgeous!!
Well, enough said! I really enjoyed the wedding and party at the end was such a joy to capture! They had so much fun! Congrats again and may the Lord bless you and keep you safe in your marriage and in your walk together!
Here's a list of the suppliers who made the day possible!
Venue: Avianto | DJ: Nitelife Productions | Wedding gown: The Boys Couture | Wedding Shoes: Green Cross | Suit: Eurosuit | Make-up: Make Up by Taryn | Hair: Sunet Nuwenhuizen | Stationery and ring box: Rocam Signs | Flowers: Anne-lize Olivier | Decor: Cafe Fleur | Cake: Sugar Rush 'Cakery | Rings: West Rand Diamond Cutting
Enjoy the photos and please leave a comment at the end!
Teaser! Jeandre & Bianca | Wedding | Avianto, Gauteng
Wow, Jeandre & Bianca's celebrated their love this past weekend at Avianto! What a gorgeous couple and wedding!
Teaser! Jeandre & Bianca | Wedding | Avianto, Gauteng
“Life is like a camera. Focus on what's important. Capture the good times. And if things don't work out, just take another shot.” Ziad K. Abdelnour
Wow, Jeandre & Bianca's celebrated their love this past weekend at Avianto! What a gorgeous couple and wedding!
Enjoy the sneak peak!

Klaas-Jan & Mareli | Wedding | Ingaadi Spa & Events
I am truly privileged to be doing what I love, and even more privileged to share in the love of people's happiest day of their lives. Klaas-Jan & Mareli's wedding day was super special, and I not only made a special connection with them as a couple, but also with their families. And they looked amazing!!!
Klaas-Jan & Mareli | Wedding | Ingaadi Spa & Events
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
forever. Ps23:6

I am truly privileged to be doing what I love, and even more privileged to share in the love of people's happiest day of their lives. Klaas-Jan & Mareli's wedding day was super special, and I not only made a special connection with them as a couple, but also with their families. I just love it...and I was sad to say goodbye at the end of the day. That is what weddings is for me and what it means to me...I pour out my heart and soul to capture special photos for my clients, and I love it when hard work pays off! Just look at the photos...amazing fun, laughter and smiles! They are all such a happy bunch of people!
Something super funny happened. Mareli's sister Ilana did her make-up and hair (her company in Namibia is Ilana's Hair Gallery) and her two sons (one is 5 and the other is 3 years old) were the ring-bearers but they missed their afternoon nap, so when it was time to hand-over the rings...well the eldest was more than half asleep which made for such a funny moment!

The wedding was on the Friday and it rained during that week...oh wait it poured with rain. So the morning of the wedding day it rained once more and I prepared like crazy for me to stay dry during the couple shoot, and I kept thinking the whole day "we would embrace the rain and take epic rain shots"...well...that was what I expected. I mean it had been raining for 2 days flat so what else did I expect? Exactly the opposite...we had sunshine! It was muddy but there were dramatic skies and sunshine...amazing. Mareli's prayers were truly answered. The biggest testimony for the day was the exact moment when Mareli walked into church, that was the first time the first sunshine we had to take a photo!

We did the sunset shoot at a random spot on our way to the venue, and we were lucky to get Kosmos flowers in the field. I always try my best to document the day as it happens rather than directing the day, but it's always difficult during the couple shoot because none of the happenings during the couple shoot happens "naturally"...I mean its not normal to go stand in a random field on your way to the venue. But I love the little moments in between the posed moments which I didn't direct like when Mareli and Klaas-Jan did the Tango with a Kosmos flower, or when Klaas-Jan picked Mareli up to take her back to the car....real moments are such a joy to capture!
The reception was super fun. They had the coolest games to entertain the guests which made everybody laugh like crazy and it was fun to capture! The venue is situated in a sort of a valley with 2 dams right in front, which means if it gets cold at night, then there surely will be mist. And there were lots of it! So I just knew the night shot was going to be epic and it was!
Here's a list of other suppliers who were involved:
Venue: Ingaadi Spa & Events Venue Flowers: Wynand Saayman (Ilana's husband and Mareli's brother-in-law)
A big thank you to Leandrie from Leandrie du Plessis Photography. She did the decor photos for me!
Enjoy the photos and please leave a comment at the end!
Teaser! Klaas-Jan & Mareli | Wedding | Ingaadi Spa & Events
I am truly privileged to be doing what I love, and even more privileged to share in the love of people's happiest day of their lives. Klaas-Jan & Mareli's wedding day was super special, and I not only made a special connection with them as a couple, but also with their families.
Teaser! Klaas-Jan & Mareli | Wedding | Ingaadi Spa & Events
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
forever. Ps23:6
I am truly privileged to be doing what I love, and even more privileged to share in the love of people's happiest day of their lives. Klaas-Jan & Mareli's wedding day was super special, and I not only made a special connection with them as a couple, but also with their families. I just love it...or perhaps I shouldn't be so excited...that I get to make new friends, and I was sad to say goodbye at the end of the day. That is what weddings is for me and what it means to me...I pour out my heart and soul to capture special photos for my clients, and I love it when it pays off! I just love their photos and I tried looking for a few sneak peaks but I ended selecting 31 biggest selection for a sneak peak until now.
Something super funny happened. Mareli's sister Ilana did her make-up and hair (her company in Namibia in Ilana's Hair Gallery) and her two sons (one is 5 and the other is 3 years old) were the ring-bearers but they missed their afternoon nap, so when it was time to hand-over the rings...well the eldest was more than half asleep. Such a funny moment which I caught on camera!
They got married on Friday and during the week it rained...oh wait it poured with rain. So the morning of the wedding day it rained and I prepared like crazy for me to stay dry during the couple shoot, and I kept thinking the whole day "we would embrace the rain and take epic rain shots"...well...that was what I expected. I mean it had been raining for 2 days flat so what else did I expect? Exactly the opposite...we had sunshine! It was muddy but there were dramatic skies and sunshine...amazing. Mareli's prayers were truly answered. The biggest testimony for the day was the exact moment Mareli walked into church was the first time there were we had to take a photo!
The day ended with the coolest mist, so I just knew the night shot was going to be epic!
Venue: Ingaadi Spa & Events Venue Flowers: Wynand Saayman (Ilana's husband and Mareli's brother-in-law)
Enjoy the sneak peak!

Klaas-Jan & Mareli | Engagement shoot | Wonderboom Airport
Wow, I created some super cool images for Klaas-Jan and Mareli at Wonderboom Airport. Klaas-Jan has a private pilot’s licence so it was so special creating images which is super personal for him. His knees weakens when he sees Mareli, but also standing close to that black aeroplane (called a Vampire)! Its a beauty!
Klaas-Jan & Mareli | Engagement shoot | Wonderboom Airport
"Come away with me and we'll kiss
On a mountaintop
Come away with me
And I'll never stop loving you " Norah Jones

Wow, I created some super cool images for Klaas-Jan and Mareli at Wonderboom Airport. Klaas-Jan has a private pilot’s licence so it was so special creating images which is super personal for him. His knees weakens when he sees Mareli, but also standing close to that black aeroplane (called a Trojan)! Its a beauty!
The green aeroplane is a Vampire, and its such a cool aeroplane.
They are tying the knot this Friday at Ingaadi Spa & Events Venue and I can't wait. They are super fun people and I believe the wedding is going to be epic!
Enjoy the photos and please leave a comment at the end!
Tyronne & Romandi | Engagement shoot | Industrial Coffee Works
Wow, I loved creating some crazy cool images for Tyronne & Romandi for their engagement shoot at Industrial Coffee Works! I am really in love with this place, and they looked amazing against the industrial rustic background!
Tyronne & Romandi | Engagement shoot | Industrial Coffee Works
"You're the only thing better than morning coffee" Unknown

Tyronne and Romandi are getting married at Mseni Lodge, Sodwana Bay in a few weeks and I cannot contain the excitement anymore! Its going to be epic. I love to travel and to capture wedding stories at beautiful destinations. But it will be special for me as well because the last time I was in Sodwana was when I was on my honeymoon nine years ago. I don't have the best memory of the place...I had food poisoning...but it is still amazing memories for me. Its a little sad I can't share it with my wife, because she can't go with me. But in any case...
Romandi wanted an urban setting for their engagement shoot, and we both suggested (crazy cool) that we should go to Industrial Coffee Works! I am really in love with this place, and they looked amazing against the industrial rustic background! I also love it when couples trust me to be super creative and we had loads of fun doing during their session.
Romandi wanted to have an Instax photo done during the session, which she want as a keepsake of the shoot...and I obviously jumped at the occasion to include the Instax photo in my photos. She said she will take it with her to Sodwana so we will be able to play around with the same effect on the beach!
Enjoy the photos and please leave a comment at the end!

Dane & Ashleigh | Fun in Parkhurst | Engagement shoot
Wow, I had fun with these two for their engagement shoot. Dane and Ashleigh are adventurous souls and they were almost silly in every photo...which I loved.
Dane & Ashleigh | Fun in Parkhurst | Engagement shoot
A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you. Unknown

Wow, I had fun with these two. Dane and Ashleigh are adventurous souls and they were almost silly in every photo...which I loved.
They were a bit on their nerves but its understandable. The reason why I love doing engagement shoots is for my clients to get over the awkwardness of being photographed and I want it to be during their engagement shoot (I mean everybody who is not a model is a little unconfortable in front of the camera), and not the during the wedding. They will be much more relaxed during the wedding, and I am sure their personalities will shine even more during their wedding especially when they are at ease!
Ashleigh really wanted an urban shoot so we went to Parkhurst, Johannesburg, and walked the streets. We also had a quick coffee at Vovo Telo and did some creative shots in the restaurant.
They are getting married at Rosemary Hill later this year and they need photos for their save-the-date and wedding invite website, and they told me their computers were stolen very recently so they don't have any pictures of them together! Now I am even more convinced their engagement shoot photos will be super special to them!
Makeup: Face by Geraldi (Geraldi Spurling)
Enjoy the photos and please leave a comment at the end!
Heinrich & Simone's wedding | Lace on Timber | Gauteng
Wow, words can even describe how beautiful and special this wedding was! I am truly honoured to have witnessed the love between Heinrich & Simone on their wedding day! Your wedding at Lace on Timber was beautiful, elegant and simple....what a way for me to start my weddings for 2018!
Heinrich & Simone's wedding | Lace on Timber | Gauteng
"When you meet the one who changes the way your heart beats, dance with them to that rhythm for as long as the song lasts." Kirk Diedrich

Wow, what a way to start 2018.
Heinrich and Simone are super fun and down-to-earth people and so easy to photograph. What a journey we had together...they were the winners at my Oakfields Bridal Expo Stand last year, we did their engagement shoot at Harmonie Proteas (click here to view) and I photographed the Bridal Workshop which Simone Pheiffer from The Wedding Event hosted last year and Simone and her mom and mom-in-law was part of this amazing day. Wow, so many memories captured during the past year and a bit.
The beautiful decor, Simone's dress, the cool groomsmen, the exquisite venue, lovely food, and loads of fun and laughter made this day super memorable. Everything which was done, was done in style and they didn't hold back...even when the bridal party entered the reception they gave it their what fun and laughter! They are truly a happy bunch of people. I had so much fun photographing this wedding, and I pray that the happiness will keep strong in their marriage!
I must say the hype about Lace on Timber is true. This place is magical. There is prettiness in every corner and in every direction that you look and wow...this place can make your wedding go from beautiful to gorgeous! And they have such friendly staff and service...definitely one of the best venues I have captured a wedding in South Africa.
Well done to all the suppliers involved, their day was perfect!
Venue & Desert Table: Lace on Timber | Wedding Dress: Timeless Bridal Couture | Simone's shoes: Aldo | Decor & Flowers: Pebble and Lace | Protea boutonnières: Hello Bird | Video: Barefeet Videography | Rings: Browns (Simone) & Bellagio (Heinrich) | Bridesmaids dresses: Forever New | Simone's mom's dress: House of JM Designs | Nougat: Ma Mere Confections
Have a drink, put your feet up and enjoy the photos!
Teaser! Tyronne & Romandi | Engagement shoot | Industrial Coffee Works
So yesterday I created some crazy cool images for them for their engagement shoot at Industrial Coffee Works! I am really in love with this place, and they looked amazing against the industrial rustic background!
Teaser! Tyronne & Romandi | Engagement shoot | Industrial Coffee Works
"You're the only thing better than morning coffee" Unknown
Tyronne and Romandi are getting married at Mseni Lodge, Sodwana Bay in a few weeks and I cannot contain the excitement anymore! Its going to be epic.
So yesterday I created some crazy cool images for them for their engagement shoot at Industrial Coffee Works! I am really in love with this place, and they looked amazing against the industrial rustic background!
Enjoy the sneak peak!

Teaser! Klaas-Jan & Mareli | Engagement shoot | Wonderboom Airport
Wow, I created some super cool images for Klaas-Jan and Mareli at Wonderboom Airport. Klaas-Jan has a private pilot’s licence so it was so special creating images which is super personal for him. His knees weakens when he sees Mareli, but also standing close to that black aeroplane (called a Vampire)! Its a beauty!
Teaser! Klaas-Jan & Mareli | Engagement shoot | Wonderboom Airport
"Come away with me and we'll kiss
On a mountaintop
Come away with me
And I'll never stop loving you " Norah Jones
Wow, I created some super cool images for Klaas-Jan and Mareli at Wonderboom Airport this past weekend. Klaas-Jan has a private pilot’s licence so it was so special creating images which is super personal for him. His knees weakens when he sees Mareli, but also standing close to that black aeroplane (called a Vampire)! Its a beauty!

Teaser! Dane & Ashleigh | Fun in Parkhurst | Engagement shoot
Wow, I had fun with these two. Dane and Ashleigh are adventurous souls and they were almost silly in every photo...which I loved.
Teaser! Dane & Ashleigh | Fun in Parkhurst | Engagement shoot
A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you. Unknown
Wow, I had fun with these two. Dane and Ashleigh are adventurous souls and they were almost silly in every photo...which I loved.
They were a bit on their nerves but its understandable. The reason why I love doing engagement shoots is for my clients to get over the awkwardness of being photographed and I want it to be during their engagement shoot (I mean everybody who is not a model is a little unconfortable in front of the camera), and not the during the wedding. They will be much more relaxed during the wedding, and I am sure their personalities will shine even more during their wedding especially when they are at ease!
Ashleigh really wanted an urban shoot so we went to Parkhurst, Johannesburg, and walked the streets. We also had a quick coffee at Vovo Telo and did some creative shots in the restaurant.
They are getting married at Rosemary Hill later this year and they need photos for their save-the-date and wedding invite website, and they told me their computers were stolen very recently so they don't have any pictures of them together! Now I am even more convinced their engagement shoot photos will be super special to them!
Enjoy the photos and please leave a comment at the end!

Teaser! Heinrich & Simone's wedding | Lace on Timber | Gauteng
Wow, words can even describe how beautiful and special this wedding was! I am truly honoured to have witnessed the love between Heinrich & Simone on their wedding day! Your wedding at Lace on Timber was beautiful, elegant and simple....what a way for me to start my weddings for 2018!
"When you meet the one who changes the way your heart beats, dance with them to that rhythm for as long as the song lasts." Kirk Diedrich
Teaser! Heinrich & Simone's wedding | Lace on Timber | Gauteng
Wow, words can even describe how beautiful and special this wedding was! I am truly honoured to have witnessed the love between Heinrich & Simone on their wedding day! Your wedding at Lace on Timber was beautiful, elegant and simple....what a way for me to start my weddings for 2018!
Venue & Desert Table: Lace on Timber | Wedding Dress: Timeless Bridal Couture | Simone's shoes: Aldo | Decor & Flowers: Pebble and Lace | Protea boutonnières: Hello Bird | Video: Barefeet Videography | Rings: Browns (Simone) & Bellagio (Heinrich)
Here's a few from their wedding on Saturday! :) Enjoy

Ruth du Toit & Family | Beach session | Struisbaai
Such a beautiful photoshoot done of Ruth and her family in Struisbaai at the beach. Ruth is also a wedding photographer and her work is amazing. Go and have a look under Ruth du Toit Photography.
Ruth du Toit & Family | Beach session | Struisbaai
In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. János Arany

I made friends with Ruth from Ruth du Toit Photography at a SA Weddings Event in Johannesburg, and I have been following her wedding and lifestyle work for a while now. And amazingly when we were in Struisbaai, she said she will be there and asked if I would like to photograph her family on the beach...and obviously I jumped up and said yes...and oh she took some of my family as well!
See the photos Ruth took of our family here: CLICK
She has such a beautiful family and I just loved making them run on the beach. And what I love about those photos is that as a person you can't think too much how you want to stand or how you look....all you can think about is to you look as natural as you can be and for me that is when you look your best. No pretensions...just fun and laughter with your family! Same goes for the jump photos!
Enjoy the photos and leave a comment at the end please!
Nicolas & Greer | E-session | Llandudno & Clifton Beach
Wow, I have always wanted to do an engagement shoot at one of the beaches in Cape Town, and I got to do Nicolas & Greer's session at two of the most famous and beautiful beaches, Llandudno & Clifton. We did the shoot at 6am in the morning, and the light was magical!
Nicolas & Greer | E-session | Llandudno & Clifton Beach
A great flame follows a little spark - Dante Alighieri

Wow, I have always wanted to do an engagement shoot at one of the beaches in Cape Town, and I got to do Nicolas & Greer's session at two of the most famous and beautiful beaches, Llandudno & Clifton Beach. We did the shoot at 6am in the morning, and the light was magical!
I got to know Greer from a recent corporate shoot I did in Johannesburg, and she said she will be in Cape Town and she said she wanted to do an engagement shoot. I obviously jumped at the occasion and said I will gladly do your session...and wow...they are just magical! I had a blast. The weather was perfect at 6am and we had Llandudno and Clifton Beach all to ourselves. I always liked the quality of light early in the morning especially just before sunrise, but wow...the light was out of this world. I will definitely recommend doing a morning shoot at Llandudno. When the sunrays enter the beach at around 6:30am...magic happens!
Nicolas and Greer are such down-to-earth people, and easy to photograph...made my job super easy...and they are just gorgeous...I can almost print every photo on Vogue's front cover!
Enjoy the photos and please leave a comment at the end!

Lize & her beautiful family | Kleinbaai, Western Cape
I had a blast capturing Lize and her beautiful family in Kleinbaai. I didn't know it at the time of the shoot, but one of my school and Voortrekker friends is Lize's sister (Gerda), and she was my date to my Matric Farewell 14 years ago! Wow, such a small world!
Lize & her beautiful family | Kleinbaai, Western Cape
"Family Is the Most Beautiful Thing God Made" Pope Francis

Lize asked me to capture photos of her family while on holiday on Kleinbaai and I absolutely loved it! They are such a cool bunch of people....and good looking! The bond between sisters is so special, and I just love the photos of her and her 3 sisters. She currently lives in Zambia and it must be great to be together as a family in SA.
I didn't know it at the time of the shoot, but one of my school and Voortrekker friends is Lize's sister (Gerda), and she was my date to my Matric Farewell 14 years ago! Wow, such a small world!
Kleinbaai is next to Gansbaai, and also close to Hermanus, and its a hotspot for Shark Cage Diving. Lize's parents have a holiday home in Kleinbaai, and we decided to take photos at Onse Baai, a spot where the ocean crashes over the rocks...beautiful!
Enjoy the photos and please leave a comment at the end!

Teaser! Nicolas & Greer | E-session | Llandudno & Clifton Beach
Wow, I have always wanted to do an engagement shoot at one of the beaches in Cape Town, and I got to do Nicolas & Greer's session at two of the most famous and beautiful, Llandudno & Clifton. We did the shoot at 6am in the morning, and the light was magical! Ending the year off with a bang!
Teaser! Nicolas & Greer | E-session | Llandudno & Clifton Beach
A great flame follows a little spark - Dante Alighieri
Wow, I have always wanted to do an engagement shoot at one of the beaches in Cape Town, and I got to do Nicolas & Greer's session at two of the most famous and beautiful beaches, Llandudno & Clifton Beach. We did the shoot at 6am in the morning, and the light was magical! I definitely ended the year off with a bang!
I got to know Greer from a recent corporate shoot I did in Johannesburg, and she said she will be in Cape Town and she wants to do an engagement shoot. I obviously jumped at the occasion and said I will gladly do your session...and wow...they are just magical! I had a blast. The weather was perfect, we had Llandudno and Clifton Beach all to ourselves and the light was out of this world. I will definitely recommend doing a morning shoot at Llandudno. When the sunrays enter the beach at around 6:30am...magic happens!
Nicolas and Greer are such down-to-earth people, and easy to photograph...made my job super easy...and they are just gorgeous...I can almost print every photo on Vogue's front cover!
Here's a few from today, and please leave a comment at the end!