Rohan en Neruschke | Troue | De La Mas Venue
Sjoe, wat ‘n mooi troue! Rohan en Neruscke het op by De La Mas Venue getrou, en wat ‘n mooi dag! En die Bokke het die RWC 2019 finaal gewen! #gobokke #delamaswedding
Every once in a while, in the middle of an ordinary life, LOVE gives us a fairytale. Unknown

Sjoe, wat ‘n mooi troue! Rohan en Neruscke het by De La Mas Venue die knoop deurgehaak, en wat ‘n mooi dag! Dit was ook die RWC Finaal tussen Suid Afrika en Engeland, en Suid-Afrika het die beker gelig! Wat ‘n voorreg om ‘n troue kon afneem terwyl die Bokke gewen het…ek het regtig gehoop ek kan die manne kry waar die manne regop spring van blydskap, en dit het gebeur! Ek is wel bly ons het gewen, want dink net as die Bokke verloor het…die manne sou lang gesigte gehad vir die hele dag!
Neruscke, jy het sprokiesmooi gelyk, en ek het haar gevra of sy so mooi voel soos wat sy lyk, en haar antwoord was:”Ek voel soos ‘n prinses!”
Julle het soooo gelukkig gelyk, en ek sal definitief nie die partytjie na die tyd vergeet nie! Ek het seker 500 fotos geneem waar mense so lekker dans en lag! Dit was ‘n fees!
Geniet die fotos en los asb ‘n paar mooi woorde aan die einde van die inskrywing!
Hier is ‘n lys van party van die verskaffers op die dag:
Grimering: Ciszeldi van Cloe and Co | Blomme en dekor: Meraki Floral and Decor Design (@merakifloraldecor) | Koek: Baker Boys | Video: Tintype Productions | Musiek: Akoestiek
Click on the photo to expand
Teaser! Rohan en Neruschke | Troue | De La Mas Venue
Sjoe, wat ‘n mooi troue! Rohan en Neruscke het op by De La Mas Venue getrou, en wat ‘n mooi dag! En die Bokke het die RWC 2019 finaal gewen! #gobokke #delamaswedding
Every once in a while, in the middle of an ordinary life, LOVE gives us a fairytale. Unknown
Sjoe, wat ‘n mooi troue! Rohan en Neruscke het by De La Mas Venue die knoop deurgehaak, en wat ‘n mooi dag! Dit was ook die RWC Finaal tussen Suid Afrika en Engeland, en ons het die beker gelig! Wat ‘n voorreg om ‘n troue kon afneem terwyl die Bokke gewen het…ek het regtig gehoop ek kan die manne kry waar die manne regop spring van blydskap, en dit het gebeur! Ek is bly hulle ons het gewen, want dink net as die Bokke verloor het…die manne sou lang gesigte gehad vir die hele dag!
Neruscke, jy het sprokiesmooi gelyk, en ek het haar gevra of sy so mooi voel soos wat sy lyk, en haar antwoord was:”Ek voel soos ‘n prinses!”
Julle het soooo gelukkig gelyk, en ek sal definitief nie die partytjie na die tyd vergeet nie! Ek het seker 500 fotos geneem waar mense so lekker dans en lag! Dit was ‘n fees!
Genoeg gesê vir nou. Geniet die fotos en los asb ‘n paar mooi woorde aan die einde van die inskrywing!
Hier is ‘n lys van party van die verskaffers op die dag:
Grimering: Ciszeldi van Cloe and Co | Blomme en dekor: Meraki Floral and Decor Design (@merakifloraldecor) | Koek: Baker Boys | Video: Tintype Productions | Musiek: Akoestiek

George en Charlene | Wedding | Galagos Country Estate
Wow, wat ‘n wonderlike en spesiale dag! Dit was ‘n fees om George en Charlene se troue vas te vang!
George en Charlene | Wedding | Galagos Country Estate
Love is a song that never ends. Bambi (Disney)
Hier is my eerste afrikaanse blog. eeek.
George en Charlene het ‘n baie spesiale troudag gehad by Galagos Country Estate. Ek het onlangs hulle verlowingsfotos geneem en ek het sommer geweet dat dit ‘n fees gaan wees om hulle troue vas te vang, maar ek was definitief nie voorberei toe George vir Charlene sien en hy toe ‘n paar traantjies pik nie! Blykbaar huil hy nie…
Hierdie is definitef ‘n eerste vir my. Elna, Charlene se ma, het my op dieselfde tyd bespreek vir haar dogter (Charlene) EN haar seun (Rohan) se troue…en hulle trou ongeveer 5 weke uitmekaar (2Nov).
Rohan en Neruschke het dit nie beplan nie, maar hulle troue val op die Rugby Wêreldbeker finaal, waar SA teen Engeland speel! Dit is ‘n bietjie bittersoet vir my, want ek kan nie wag vir die troue nie, maar ek gaan nie kan kyk nie want ek gaan werk en fotos neem.
Galagos het die mooiste woud en as die son laat middag deur die bome skyn maak dit regtig die mooiste lig!
Ek was ook vriendelik verbaas toe ek op die dag sien ‘n vriendin Ciszeldi van Cloe en Co doen die makeup! Haar makeup is baie mooi en ek het al menigmale saam met haar gewerk!
Ek dink hierdie is genoeg woorde, kom ons laat die fotos die res van die praatwerk doen!
Verskaffers op die dag:
Grimmering: Cloe and Co | Hare: SkinPHD Zambezi | Rok: Bridal Manor | Juwele: Swarovski | Blomme en Dekor: Purple Bell | Venue en kos: Galagos Country Estate (Koordineerder: Leandre)
Koek: Baker Boys | Printwerk: The Allora Collection | DJ: Eugene (Galagos)
Hier is die fotos. Los asb ‘n boodskap aan die einde…’n klien bietjie liefde gaan nogals vêr!

(Click on the image to enlarge)
Teaser! George en Charlene | Wedding | Galagos Country Estate
Wow, wat ‘n wonderlike en spesiale dag! Dit was ‘n fees om George en Charlene se troue vas te vang!
Teaser! George en Charlene | Wedding | Galagos Country Estate
Love is a song that never ends. Bambi (Disney)
Hier is my eerste afrikaans blog. eeek.
Wow, gister was ‘n baie besonderse mooi en spesiale dag vir George en Charlene. Ek het onlangs hulle verlowingsfotos geneem en ek het sommer geweet dat dit ‘n fees gaan wees om hulle troue vas te vang, maar ek was definitief nie voorberei toe George vir Charlene sien en hy toe ‘n paar traantjies pik nie! Blykbaar huil hy nie…
Hierdie is slegs die voorsmakie, so geniet die terugblyk en hou my webblad en Facebook dop vir nog fotos in die volgende paar weke.
Los asb ‘n boodskap aan die einde…’n kline bietjie liefde gaan nogals vêr!
Verskaffers op die dag:
Grimmering: Cloe and Co | Hare: SkinPHD Zambezi | Rok: Bridal Manor | Juwele: Swarovski | Blomme en Dekor: Purple Bell | Venue en kos: Galagos Country Estate (Koordineerder: Leandre)
Koek: Baker Boys | Printwerk: The Allora Collection | DJ: Eugene (Galagos)

Zander & Mariska | Wedding | Memoire Wedding Venue
What an emotional and special wedding at MEMOIRE. Zander and Mariska, thank you for allowing me to capture your wedding love story. I enjoyed every second! and you had me to tears many times!
Zander & Mariska | Wedding | Memoire Wedding Venue
“Words are not enough to express the unconditional love that exists between a mother and a daughter.” – Caitlin Houston

What an emotional and special wedding at MEMOIRE. Zander and Mariska, thank you for allowing me to capture your wedding love story, to be cherished forever! Wow, Mariska, you looked absolutely gorgeous in your wedding dress made by Mubarak from the Goodluck Bridal. Fafa from FDK Styling made sure all the girls’ makeup looks amazing and Armon from Bridal by Armon did magic with their hair! Thank you for getting the girls done on time, and also the laughs and for keeping Mariska sane! Mariska really appreciated you guys!
There were many highlights for me during the day. First one, they didn’t have a wedding cake but instead a Pinata, made by Pinata Africa. I love the photos from when they “murdered” the pinata, and I also love their reactions afterwards…it almost looked like they got to let off some steam from the wedding!
The biggest highlight for me was Mariska’s mom. She has dementia, which means she doesn’t really understand what is going on around her. So a few minutes before Mariska needed to get in the wedding car (a supercool Chevrolet called Johanna) to go meet her prince-charming, she greeted her mom and due to her mom’s illness, she didn’t understood what was playing off in front of her...her daughter is almost getting married. Mariska told me that her mom thinks she got invited to a birthday party. I could see what it meant for Mariska to have her mom there and how it touched her heart to be able to share this with her mom, but also it broke her heart because her mom doesn’t understand. I captured a moment when her bridesmaids took a moment to pray with her alone to give her the strength to enjoy the day with her loved ones but also with her mom. There was another moment right after they said their “I-do”s when they spoke with her mom and for a glimpse it seemed she understood and that she was proud of her daughter and new son-in-law. The amazing thing about a photo is that it’s eternal, a moment captured to be cherished forever!
I love REAL moments at weddings! I really pray Mariska that you will remember your mom as the woman she once was and that you will believe your mom understood in that moment what was going on when you spoke to her at the wedding (even if she didn’t).
Great, now less words more photos. The day was truly amazing, and we had loads of fun. Enjoy the photos.
Thank you Lechien for second shooting for me! Was lovely having you with me!
Please leave a comment at the end, a little love goes a long way!
Marcel & Zandrie | Wedding | Inimitable Wedding Venue
Wow, Marcel & Zandrie’s wedding was super special and emotional at Inimitable Wedding Venue!
Marcel & Zandrie | Wedding | Inimitable Wedding Venue
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Cor 13:4-5
There is a hype at the moment. Everybody I know doing weddings want to shoot at Zavion Kotze’s new wedding venue, Inimitable Wedding Venue, and I can definitely see why! It’s absolutely stunning! And the service is impeccable!
This wedding is also super special to Zavion, because this wedding was one of the first weddings booked at his wedding. Tina, Zandrie’s mom, said they booked the venue even before it was finished, and they just knew it’s going to be beautiful…and their calculated risk paid off! All I can say is wow. As a photographer having this gorgeous venue as a backdrop makes my life super simple…I can point the camera in any direction and you are almost guaranteed to have a gorgeous photo!
Wow, I dont have enough words to descibe how special and how beautiful this wedding was. Marcel and Zandrie are completely sold out to Jesus and His love was so evident at the wedding! I praise God for allowing me to meet these amazing people and for this amazing opportunity to capture their love story!
All the weddings I cover are emotional and special, but this one was so close to my heart! Marcel waited 7 years before he kissed his bride, and they knew from the beginning they were meant for each other. And WOW…..I absolutely LOVED how the parents prayed for them before the wedding…I mean Marcel and Zandrie stood back-to-back (without seeing each other), and held hands, and their parents formed a circle around them to pray for them! Teary stuff…
And walking down the aisle is quite a long walk. Normally brides sort off run down the aisle and I get zero chance to play around with creative shots, but this was different. I love my new mirror cellphone case, which allow me to create super cool reflection shots. It was also super emotional for Marcel, I mean he completely lost it for a second or two and luckily his dad managed to calm him. This was the most emotional groom I have seen this far, but it shows how much Zandrie but also the responsibility of having her as his bride means to him. Again…teary stuff!
Another highlight for me was they washed each others feet during the ceremony, just like Jesus did for his disciples. Wow, laying the foundation of serving each other no matter the cost! Its so hard doing exactly this in real life, and laying the first stone is so special…well done to the both of you!
I normally walk around during the couple shoot, and get many aspects of the wedding venue covered in the photos, because I think it’s important as part of the story telling, but I love it when venues use the photos afterwards to show off their venue. But during Marcel and Zandrie’s wedding I got caught up in taking the bulk of the photos in front of these 2 trees which was dressed in the most gorgeous orangey autumn colours!
Thank you Nina for second shooting on the day! I loved every minute of having you there!
A huge shout out to Pro Albums. They did their guest album at short notice and everybody at the wedding commented on the quality! Thank you Farhan!
Enough said for now…here’s the photos.
Please leave a comment at the end…a little love can go a long way!
Planning, Flowers and Decor: Zavion Kotze Events Company @zavionkotzeeventscompany
Venue: Inimitable Wedding Venue @inimitable_wv
Videographer: @firstkissfilm
DJ: @eventsengine,
Wedding dress: @olivelliwedding,
Makeup: @face_blush_by_claudia
Hair: @beautylish_hairstudio
Minister: Kompas Gemeente, Marius Malan
Entertainment: @akoestiek.musiek
Stationery: @lua_nova_studio
Teaser! Marcel & Zandrie | Wedding | Inimitable Wedding Venue
Wow, what a special and emotional wedding at Inimitable Wedding Venue!
Teaser! Marcel & Zandrie | Wedding | Inimitable Wedding Venue
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Cor 13:4-5
I just had to share a few images…eeek…I think 48 might be more than a few…hehe…
Wow, I dont have enough words to descibe how special and how beautiful this wedding was. Marcel and Zandrie got married this past weekend at the gorgeous Inimitable Wedding Venue and what an experience this was. Praise God for amazing people and amazing opportunities! They are completely sold out to Jesus and his love was so evident at the wedding!
All the weddings I cover are emotional and special, but this one was so close to my heart! Marcel waited 7 years before he kissed his bride, and they knew from the beginning they were meant for each other. And WOW…..I absolutely LOVED how the parents prayed for them before the wedding…I mean Marcel and Zandrie stood back-to-back (without seeing each other), and held hands, and their parents formed a circle around them to pray for them! How special! And they also washed each others feet during the ceremony, just like Jesus did for his disciples…amazing!
Thank you Nina for second shooting on the day! I loved every minute of having you there!
Enough said for now…here’s the sneak peak!
Planning, Flowers and Decor: Zavion Kotze Events Company @zavionkotzeeventscompany
Venue: Inimitable Wedding Venue @inimitable_wv
Videographer: @firstkissfilm
DJ: @eventsengine,
Wedding dress: @olivelliwedding,
Makeup: @face_blush_by_claudia
Hair: @beautylish_hairstudio
Minister: Kompas Gemeente, Marius Malan
Entertainment: @akoestiek.musiek
Stationery: @lua_nova_studio
Wicus and Liesl | Wedding | Tutuwedzo Lodge
Wow, what a special and beautiful wedding. Wicus and Liesl had such an amazing day with family and friends, and the venue boasts an outdoor reception area under a massive tree! How magnificent!
Wicus and Liesl | Wedding | Tutuwedzo Lodge, Gauteng
“There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child.”-Henry Ward Beecher
Wicus and Liesl’s amazing wedding was held at the Deck at Tutuwedzo Lodge. I have shot weddings at amazing places before but this might be up there as one of the most beautiful. The reception was held under the most beautiful lit tree, with a rustic bar area around the base of the tree. It was a huge risk having the wedding outside, but what a reward when the risk paid off!
I think I have mentioned a few times on my blogs and feeds that I really love kids at weddings. I have 2 kids and I can’t imagine my life without my kids. Kids at weddings is such a huge joy for me, and really love adding their unique perspective to a wedding. They bring such innocence, joy and laughter and they almost always don’t know what is going on around them…I mean they don’t even someone is getting married. It was a first for me to have the wedding couple’s son as part of the wedding.
My highlight for the day was when Liesl walked down the aisle towards her soon-to-be-husband Wicus, and he had his son in his arms…Wow…what powerful a moment! I even got teary as well!
And these people know how to party! I always say that your brain is programmed to remember emotions (how you felt). You rarely remember in detail things that you see, unless you have a photographic memory. Thats why you need photo prints, albums and videos to remind you of how you felt. So its important at weddings to have amazing catering, music and spontaneous moments during the photo sessions. So when you have a killer party, you are sure to remember you had a super wedding….and Wicus and Liesl surely had a crazy cool party! The food, which was outdoor carts and tables with almost street food was super tasty! I just loved the Mexican taco stand where you could build your own taco…yum yum!
One very tearful moment at the wedding was when they paid tribute to Wicus’ sister who had passed away a few years ago….she would have been very proud to have seen Wicus and Liesl tying the knot!
Enough said about this beautiful wedding.
Some of the suppliers who made the day possible.
Wedding gown: Chiqwawa | Liesl’s jewellery: Wicus’ mom’s jewellery | Makeup and hair: Unmissable | DJ: Jaycee | Venue and food: Tutuwedzo Lodge | Wicus’ suit: Eurosuit | Watch: Rolex (gift from Wicus’ parents) | Videography: Tintype Productions
Enjoy the sneak peak and please leave a comment at the end!
Teaser! Wicus and Liesl | Wedding | Tutuwedzo Lodge
Wow, what a special and beautiful wedding. Wicus and Liesl had such an amazing day with family and friends, and the venue boasts an outdoor reception area under a massive tree! How magnificent!
Teaser! Wicus and Liesl | Wedding | Tutuwedzo Lodge, Gauteng
“There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child.”-Henry Ward Beecher
Here’s a sneak peak from Wicus and Liesl’s amazing wedding this weekend at the amazing The Deck at Tutuwedzo Lodge. What a beautiful location for a wedding…wow…I mean the reception was held under the most beautiful lit up tree, with a rustic bar area around the base of the tree.

It was a first for me to have the wedding couple’s son as part of the wedding, but as many (and having 2 kids myself) would testify…kids make everything in life so colourful! The highlight for Wicus was when his 2 year-old son and soon-to-be wife walked down the isle…wow…what a powerful moment and I got teary as well during that moment!
Some of the suppliers who made the day possible.
Wedding gown: Chiqwawa | Liesl’s jewellery: Wicus’ mom’s jewellery | Makeup and hair: Unmissable | DJ: Jaycee | Venue and food: Tutuwedzo Lodge | Wicus’ suit: Eurosuit | Watch: Rolex (gift from Wicus’ parents) | Videography: Tintype Productions
Enjoy the sneak peak and please leave a comment at the end!

Dane and Ashleigh | Wedding | Rosemary Hill Farm
Dane and Ashleigh had the most amazing and beautiful wedding at Rosemary Hill Farm, and I was super privileged to have witnessed their love for each other!
Dane and Ashleigh | Wedding | Rosemary Hill Farm
I never loved you any more than I do, right this second. And I'll never love you any less than I do, right this second. Kami Garcia

I just knew when I finished Dane and Ashleigh’s engagement shoot, their wedding was going to be epic…and it was! And what a brilliant venue! It was my first Rosemary Hill Farm and it really felt as if I was capturing a wedding in a different country! Such a pretty backdrop to any wedding, and paired with great decor and food from Rosemary hill as well…wow, they really looked well after Dane and Ashleigh.
Ashleigh had the most amazing wedding gown from Enzoani with gorgeous details in the back, and her beautiful shoes from Anella Wedding Shoes complimented her so well! I really wanted her to wear her running shoes, because she and Dane are SERIOUS runners…I mean they both completed the IRONMAN this year! Impressive…so I actually swopped out one of Dane’s wedding shoes with a running shoe for the groom’s detail shots. If you are reading this and getting married…do yourself a favour and go to the Bridal Wardrobe and have a look…they stock the most amazing wedding gowns and wedding shoes!
Geraldi from Face by Geraldi did such a great job with the girl’s makeup. Just look at Ashleigh’s stunning makeup, she looked absolutely radiant!
Rosemary Hill Farm also did the decor’ flowers, but the beautiful flower bouquets were done by Wildflower Creations Decor.
Enough said. Enjoy the photos and please leave a message at the end!
Ryan & Dawn | Wedding Album Magazine | Featured
My first magazine feature. Ryan and Dawn’s wedding is featured in the latest Wedding Album Magazine!
Ryan & Dawn | Wedding Album Magazine | Featured
Wow, it's a great feeling of accomplishment when you see your work featured in a magazine.
Ryan and Dawn's wedding is featured in Wedding Album Magazine and it looks amazing!
Venue: The Orchards | Decor: Crystal and Vine | Food: Food Matters | Wedding Gown: Paverly Bridal | Make-up: Camilla Kerr – The Durban Makeup Artist | Video: Jon R Photography | Live music: Aymira Band | DJ: DJ Worx.
Please do yourself a favour and get a copy of the latest Wedding Album Magazine and see the feature yourself. Here's a few photos!

Tertius & Monique | Wedding | Memoire Wedding Venue, Gauteng
Wow, this was the most emotional wedding I had the privilege to document to date. And Tertius and Monique looked absolutely gorgeous for their wedding celebration at Memoire Wedding Venue.
Tertius & Monique | Wedding | Memoire Wedding Venue, Gauteng
A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be. Frank A. Clark

Tertius & Monique's celebrated their wedding at the impressive MEMOIRE wedding and function venue, Muldersdrift. It was a super emotional day and I think its fitting and touching to have celebrated Father's Day a few days after their wedding.
Tertius lost his dad recently and every time he remembered his dad during the day he would burst into tears. He had me in tears many times, and I couldn't have asked for a more special wedding to be a part of. Thank you for allowing me to capture memories for you and Monique, and looked absolutely smashing!
Tertius may you truly be the man your dad meant to be! He will surely be missed. The painting in the groom portraits is a painting of Tertius and his dad.
I must just add, I had so much fun photographing the partying at the end of the day! They went all out, especially the guys!
Here's a list of the other suppliers who were involved making their day possible:
Flowers and decor: Bliss Floral Creations | Make-up: EA Academy MUD Westrand | Wedding Gown: Bridal Manor Pta | Wedding Designer: Pronovias (Pradera) | Monique's shoes: Charles & Keith, Menlyn | Tertius suit and shoes: Carducci | Painting of Tertius and his Dad: Friso van der Wal | Stationery: Vast Exposure | DJ: Starlightsounds | Live Music: CH2 | Photographer assistant: Carolyn J Gregorowski
Enjoy the photos and please leave a comment at the end!
Timothy & Jehdene | Wedding | Birchwood Hotel, Gauteng
Wow, I just loved photographing Timothy and Jehdene’s beautiful wedding love story! She arrived in a Bentley and later married a Bentley!
Timothy & Jehdene | Wedding | Birchwood Hotel, Gauteng
"Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart, and the sense." —Lap Tzu, Chinese philosopher

"Jehdene arrived in a Bentley and later in the day married a Bentley!"
Timonthy and Jehdene are passionate Christians and their journey together started at Church. They both serve at Church and it was their passion for God and people that drew them together. They are adventurous souls and love the outdoors, and I just love the engagement shoot we did together on the Northcliff Koppie. (click here if you have missed it)
I also remember Jehdene said she and Timothy love music and that music will feature quite a lot at their wedding...and it did! They had their Church band, the Spoken Word Tabernacle (SWT) Band, for the music in the church but also at the reception and they were amazing! I loved it. There is just something special and personal about live music at weddings! The Skosana Family and Band also entertained the guests at the wedding and they were a hit!
Nicky from De Bron Events did the decor and wedding planning and she did a fantastic job. This was one of those weddings were the focus was a little less on the extravaganza of the decor and styling but more on the music and production and it happened flawlessly! Well done!
I must say I never photographed a bride without any make-up, and I don't know what Jehdene does with her skin but its flawless. (Feeewww) Makeup for weddings are for the bride, but man oh helps us as photographers with the editing afterwards...make-up are in fact mostly done to look good on camera and it sometimes seem too much in real life. I have had so many brides who say to their makeup artists they want lighter make-up and then we end up editing their skin quite a lot because we don't want to give our clients photos where they dont look perfect...enough said...Jehdene took a risk...and she has her reasons for not wearing make-up...but her look was flawless nonetheless. Thank you Bianca for Jehdene's beautiful hair.
I really enjoyed photographed their wedding which they celebrated with family and friends...oh yes! A shout out to the MC Wesley Chetty...he was probably the best MC I have seen. I were laughing and photographing at the same time....well done Wesley!
One thing that stood out for me about their wedding is how serious Timothy took on the oath to be Jehdene's husband...or he surely felt the pressure. It was my first wedding where the groom was late for his wedding...yes...Timothy arrived a few minutes after Jehdene and he had to take some calming medicine before he walked down the aisle to his position in front of the Church. I am sure he is not going to miss that moment, but I know deep in his heart he didn't want to mess up this once-in-a-lifetime moment to marry the girl of his dreams! It also made some crazy cool moments to photograph...real moments photographed beautifully!
Here's a list of the other vendors and suppliers.
Church: St Michaels and All Angels Anglican | Reception Venue: The Birchwood Hotel and OR Tambo Conference Centre | Bridal Gown: Magda Moller Designs (oh yes, Jehdene's dress was soooo pretty!) | Cake: Mel’s Confectionery | Video: SWT Media | Production & Sound Engineering: Sonic State Productions | Wedding Favours: Eshcol Trading Concepts | Information booklet: Morpha Design | Instagram Photo Printer: Mbongiworks | Popcorn Machine and sweets: Party and Petals
Enjoy the photos and please leave a comment at the end!
Teaser! Tertius & Monique | Wedding | Memoire Wedding Venue, Gauteng
Wow, this was the most emotional wedding I had photographed to date. And Tertius and Monique looked absolutely gorgeous for their wedding celebration at Memoire Wedding Venue.
Teaser! Tertius & Monique | Wedding | Memoire Wedding Venue, Gauteng
A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be. Frank A. Clark
Tertius & Monique's celebrated their wedding yesterday at the impressive MEMOIRE wedding and function venue, Muldersdrift. It was a super emotional day and I think its fitting and touching to have celebrated Father's Day recently.
Tertius lost his dad recently and every time he remembered his dad during the day he burst into tears. He had me in tears many times, and I couldn't have asked for a more special wedding to be a part of. Thank you for allowing me to capture memories for you and Monique, and looked absolutely smashing!
Tertius may you truly be the man your dad meant to be! He will surely be missed.
The painting in the groom portraits is a painting of Tertius and his dad.
I must just add, I had so much fun photographing the partying at the end of the day! They went all out, especially the guys!
Make-up: EA Academy MUD Westrand
Photographer assistant: Carolyn J Gregorowski
Live Music: CH2
Enjoy the sneak peak and I can't wait share the rest of this beautiful wedding!

Klaas-Jan & Mareli | Wedding | Ingaadi Spa & Events
I am truly privileged to be doing what I love, and even more privileged to share in the love of people's happiest day of their lives. Klaas-Jan & Mareli's wedding day was super special, and I not only made a special connection with them as a couple, but also with their families. And they looked amazing!!!
Klaas-Jan & Mareli | Wedding | Ingaadi Spa & Events
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
forever. Ps23:6

I am truly privileged to be doing what I love, and even more privileged to share in the love of people's happiest day of their lives. Klaas-Jan & Mareli's wedding day was super special, and I not only made a special connection with them as a couple, but also with their families. I just love it...and I was sad to say goodbye at the end of the day. That is what weddings is for me and what it means to me...I pour out my heart and soul to capture special photos for my clients, and I love it when hard work pays off! Just look at the photos...amazing fun, laughter and smiles! They are all such a happy bunch of people!
Something super funny happened. Mareli's sister Ilana did her make-up and hair (her company in Namibia is Ilana's Hair Gallery) and her two sons (one is 5 and the other is 3 years old) were the ring-bearers but they missed their afternoon nap, so when it was time to hand-over the rings...well the eldest was more than half asleep which made for such a funny moment!

The wedding was on the Friday and it rained during that week...oh wait it poured with rain. So the morning of the wedding day it rained once more and I prepared like crazy for me to stay dry during the couple shoot, and I kept thinking the whole day "we would embrace the rain and take epic rain shots"...well...that was what I expected. I mean it had been raining for 2 days flat so what else did I expect? Exactly the opposite...we had sunshine! It was muddy but there were dramatic skies and sunshine...amazing. Mareli's prayers were truly answered. The biggest testimony for the day was the exact moment when Mareli walked into church, that was the first time the first sunshine we had to take a photo!

We did the sunset shoot at a random spot on our way to the venue, and we were lucky to get Kosmos flowers in the field. I always try my best to document the day as it happens rather than directing the day, but it's always difficult during the couple shoot because none of the happenings during the couple shoot happens "naturally"...I mean its not normal to go stand in a random field on your way to the venue. But I love the little moments in between the posed moments which I didn't direct like when Mareli and Klaas-Jan did the Tango with a Kosmos flower, or when Klaas-Jan picked Mareli up to take her back to the car....real moments are such a joy to capture!
The reception was super fun. They had the coolest games to entertain the guests which made everybody laugh like crazy and it was fun to capture! The venue is situated in a sort of a valley with 2 dams right in front, which means if it gets cold at night, then there surely will be mist. And there were lots of it! So I just knew the night shot was going to be epic and it was!
Here's a list of other suppliers who were involved:
Venue: Ingaadi Spa & Events Venue Flowers: Wynand Saayman (Ilana's husband and Mareli's brother-in-law)
A big thank you to Leandrie from Leandrie du Plessis Photography. She did the decor photos for me!
Enjoy the photos and please leave a comment at the end!
Teaser! Klaas-Jan & Mareli | Wedding | Ingaadi Spa & Events
I am truly privileged to be doing what I love, and even more privileged to share in the love of people's happiest day of their lives. Klaas-Jan & Mareli's wedding day was super special, and I not only made a special connection with them as a couple, but also with their families.
Teaser! Klaas-Jan & Mareli | Wedding | Ingaadi Spa & Events
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
forever. Ps23:6
I am truly privileged to be doing what I love, and even more privileged to share in the love of people's happiest day of their lives. Klaas-Jan & Mareli's wedding day was super special, and I not only made a special connection with them as a couple, but also with their families. I just love it...or perhaps I shouldn't be so excited...that I get to make new friends, and I was sad to say goodbye at the end of the day. That is what weddings is for me and what it means to me...I pour out my heart and soul to capture special photos for my clients, and I love it when it pays off! I just love their photos and I tried looking for a few sneak peaks but I ended selecting 31 biggest selection for a sneak peak until now.
Something super funny happened. Mareli's sister Ilana did her make-up and hair (her company in Namibia in Ilana's Hair Gallery) and her two sons (one is 5 and the other is 3 years old) were the ring-bearers but they missed their afternoon nap, so when it was time to hand-over the rings...well the eldest was more than half asleep. Such a funny moment which I caught on camera!
They got married on Friday and during the week it rained...oh wait it poured with rain. So the morning of the wedding day it rained and I prepared like crazy for me to stay dry during the couple shoot, and I kept thinking the whole day "we would embrace the rain and take epic rain shots"...well...that was what I expected. I mean it had been raining for 2 days flat so what else did I expect? Exactly the opposite...we had sunshine! It was muddy but there were dramatic skies and sunshine...amazing. Mareli's prayers were truly answered. The biggest testimony for the day was the exact moment Mareli walked into church was the first time there were we had to take a photo!
The day ended with the coolest mist, so I just knew the night shot was going to be epic!
Venue: Ingaadi Spa & Events Venue Flowers: Wynand Saayman (Ilana's husband and Mareli's brother-in-law)
Enjoy the sneak peak!

Juwaid & Farheen's Wedding | Fire and Ice Hotel | Gauteng
Juwaid & Farheen's muslim wedding is one I will not forget! I just loved their couple shoot on Sandton City's 8th Level parking area! The light and dramatic skies were out of this world!
Juwaid & Farheen's Wedding | Fire and Ice Hotel | Gauteng
Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life. Leo Buscaglia

Juwaid & Farheen's wedding was the first Muslim wedding I have captured and I can't wait for my next one! Wow...just love the colors! It was such a relaxing day for me because I wasn't part of the groom's nikkah, which happened at the Houghton Masjid. Farheen got ready at the beautiful Marriott Protea Fire and Ice Hotel, Melrose Arch and they met up with family and friends for a simple reception (or lunch) at Calisto's Restaurant in Rosebank Mall, where they also exchanged rings. The Portuguese food was absolutely sensational.
Thank you for the hospitality...I felt like an esteemed guest!
We left to do the couple shoot when the lunch and festivities was done, and I must tell you, if you need to work on how to keep a couple "busy" and not run out of ideas on how to pose a 3 hours couple shoot. It keeps you on your toes, and its amazing also. Because you get to experiment a little bit....and when the light is out of this world....well then its heaven! We had a blast during the 3 hour couple shoot! The shoot was also such a relaxed shoot because there was no event happening after the couple shoot. So we had the afternoon/evening at our disposal for photos. We started at Sandton City Mall's level 8 parking area and we ended back at the Marriott Fire and Ice Hotel in Melrose Arch. The rooftop area must be my next-best photo location...I just loved shooting their urban wedding photos with the buildings in the background!
Makeup: Thameenah Saint | Hair: Studio 9 at Melrose Arch | Wedding Dress: Bridal Vault | Flowers: Flower Spot, Woodmead | Decor: Family and @rayhanscatering | Rings: JDC Jewellers & American Swiss | Tuxedo: Oriental Plaza | Juwaid's Shoes: Woolworths | Farheen's shoes: YDE | Farheen's henna: Henna Art by MS | Flower Bouquet: Striking Beauty
Enjoy the photos and please leave a comment at the end!
Bold and beautiful | Styled shoot | Hertford Country Hotel
I love bold and vibrant colours at weddings! I approached Simone from the The Wedding Event to collaborate on a styled shoot with me. Just beautiful!
Bold and beautiful | Styled shoot | Hertford Country Hotel
In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. János Arany
I love bold and vibrant colours at weddings! I approached Simone from The Wedding Event to collaborate on a styled shoot with me. I wanted to use bold and vibrant colours, but also to use the Pantone Colour of the Year (2016, Rose Quarts and Serenity). Simone did most of the styling, and Tamyrin from Bespoke Blooms did the flowers arrangements and table settings! The amazing stationery was made by Rude Design and Trendy Paperworks. We used the beautiful Hertford Country Hotel as backdrop and Liezl was our model for the day. Liezl used to work for the Hotel at the time of the shoot, and she managed the wedding and event side of the Hotel. The wedding dress was Liezl's own dress, and the blush dress was from Lunar Clothing. Shandin Watson from Erin Smylie Hair and Makeup did her makeup and hair. The exquisite cake was made by Sweet Joy and Denver from Reload Media did the interviews and behind-the-scenes video.
Thank you all for participating in this shoot and I just loved how everything worked out in the end!
Enjoy the photos and please leave a comment at the end!
Teaser! Juwaid & Farheen's Wedding | Fire and Ice Hotel | Gauteng
Juwaid & Farheen's muslim wedding is one I will not forget! I just loved their couple shoot on Sandton City's 8th Level parking area! The light and dramatic skies were out of this world!
Teaser! Juwaid & Farheen's Wedding | Fire and Ice Hotel | Gauteng
Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life. Leo Buscaglia
I captured my first Muslim wedding this past Saturday, and I loved it. It was such a relaxing day for me because I wasn't part of the groom's nikkah, which happened at the Houghton Masjid. Farheen got ready at the beautiful Marriott Protea Fire and Ice Hotel, Melrose Arch and they met up with family and friends for a simple reception (or lunch) at Calisto's Restaurant in Rosebank Mall, where they also exchanged rings. The food was absolutely amazing.
Thank you for the hospitality...I felt like an esteemed guest!
We then left to do the couple shoot when the lunch and festivities was done which lasted for 3 hours. Wow...this was such a relaxed shoot because there was no event happening after the couple shoot. So we had the afternoon/evening at our disposal for photos and the sunlight was out of this world. We started at Sandton City Mall's level 8 parking area and we ended back at the Fire and Ice Hotel in Melrose Arch. The rooftop area must be my next-best photo location...I just loved shooting their urban wedding photos with the buildings in the background!
Makeup: Thameenah Saint | Hair: Studio 9 at Melrose Arch | Wedding Dress: Bridal Vault | Flowers: Flower Spot, Woodmead | Decor: Family and @rayhanscatering | Rings: JDC Jewellers & American Swiss | Tuxedo: Oriental Plaza | Juwaid's Shoes: Woolworths | Farheen's shoes: YDE | Farheen's henna: Henna Art by MS | Flower Bouquet: Striking Beauty
Enjoy the photos and please leave a comment at the end!

Ryan and Dawn | Destination Wedding | Orchards, Midlands KZN
Ryan and Dawn's destination wedding was one of those "pinch yourself" weddings. I just couldn't believe I was so lucky to be their photographer!
Ryan and Dawn | Destination Wedding | Orchards, Midlands KZN
My love for you is a journey, starting at forever and ending at never.
- Anonymous

Ryan and Dawn's destination wedding was one of those "pinch yourself" weddings. I just couldn't believe I was so lucky to be their photographer! And amazingly, they found me through one of my competitions which I had held at my exhibition stand at the Oakfields Farm Bridal Expo in January 2016. Wow, what a privilege to be a part of their journey!
Here is link to Ryan and Dawn's engagement shoot in Maboneng last, for in case you missed it! Click HERE.
One of the things that make my blood pumping vigorously is getting on a plane and to jet off to a far off destination. The Midlands isn't halfway around the world, but it is still a "far off destination". I just love travel. To see places, and to meet new people, and to experience different cultures...and then to capture this on camera is even more exhilarating.
Ryan and Dawn's wedding was held in the Midlands at the most beautiful country venue The Orchards. I have been following the venue on Instagram for a while now and when Dawn said that she is getting married at this venue I really got super excited. I know weddings aren't really about the venue, or dress, or food...but about the people...but beautiful venues that makes your photos so much prettier...and when you have the most beautiful decor and flowers at a beautiful you are in for some eye candy...the decor was out-of-this-world with this wedding!
Dawn did most of the planning for the wedding, and she was inspired by the 2016 colour palette of serenity and also blue...I mean blue is her favorite colour! For the reception she chose a woodlands theme with greenery and ivy, ferns and lilies as the main flowers. Wood were added in the form of wooden coasters for the favours, thick wooden discs as signs, which were cut from logs, and wooden branch pieces used as menu stands. The latter was done by Ryan and his brother. Ryan and his mom also made the table numbers by using moss-covered polystyrene numbers, and how amazing is this: The alter was made by Dawn's dad!
Crystal and Vine did the table decor and also the overhanging arrangements and lighting. Debbie Martens did the amazing flower and Food Matters were responsible for the incredible food. The stationery was designed and printed by a family friend and the sweets and cake was made by another family friend...And I wish I could make people taste the cake through the photos because you surely missed looked good but tasted even better!
Dawn had a stunner of a dress. It was a Nola dress designed by Maggie Sotero, and Dawn bought the dress in Wimbledon London at Paverly Bridal. She also bought her shoes in London at Next. But why London? Well, both Ryan and Dawn are South Africans and they just love traveling and going to new places and the UK especially are close to their hearts. So in January this year Dawn accepted an offer for a job in London, which created some chaos in their lives, especially with the planning of their dream wedding in SA. They realised that it will be a nightmare to arrange things from the UK, so they basically met with the caterers, florists and decor people in South Africa six months before the wedding before they moved to London to start her new job in March. Wow, that is trust on a new level, and the suppliers did such an amazing job...great decisions in choosing your suppliers!
Thank you for trusting me with your memories. I had a blast capturing your wedding photos, Ryan and Dawn, and may your love for each other just grow and grow!
Dawn's incredible make-up and hair was done by Camilla Kerr – The Durban Makeup Artist and the video was done by the talented Jon R Photography. The music during the canapes and snacks was done by an incredible duo Aymira Band (I mean they were seriously good) and the sound and music during reception was done by the incredible DJ Worx.
Enjoy the photos and please leave a comment at the end!